Colorado Bankruptcy Exemptions

Long & Long Team

Use of federal bankruptcy exemptions not permitted. See CRS § 13-54-107

Type of PropertyAmount of Exemption
Homestead, mobile home, or manufactured home occupied as home by owner$75,000 or $105,000 if occupied by an
elderly (60+) or disabled debtor or spouse
Necessary wearing apparel$2,000
Watches, jewelry and articles of adornment$2,500
Personal library, family pictures and schoolbooks$2,000
Burial sites for family members100 %
Household goods$3,000
Provisions and fuel$600
Livestock, poultry, or other animals of farmer and his or her tractors, farm equipment, trucks, machinery and tools$50,000
(may be claimed once by debtor and spouse)
Armed Forces pension100%
(support claims excepted)
Articles of military equipment personally owned by national guardsman100%
Stock in trade, equipment and tools used in occupation$30,000
(and $10,000 for other gainful occupation)
One or more motor vehicles or bicycles$7,500
One or more motor vehicles of disabled or elderly person or person with a disabled or elderly spouse or dependent (Elderly means 60 or older.See § 13-54-101(2.5) for definition of disabled)$12,500
Library of professional person$3,000
(may not also be claimed under
Cash surrender value of life insurance policies$100,000 (cash value increases from contributions made during previous 48 months not exempt)
Proceeds of life insurance policies paid to designated beneficiary100% (exemption not applicable for debts of beneficiary)
Proceeds of claim and avails of insurance policies covering loss or destruction of exempt propertyExtent of exemption given for the lost or destroyed property
Proceeds of claim for personal injuries100%
State or federal earned income tax credit refund or child tax credit100%
Professionally prescribed health aids100%
Crime victim’s reparation law awards100%
Residential security deposits and utility deposits held by third parties100%
Funds in and benefits of any ERISA-qualified pension, retirement, or deferred compensation plan, and IRAs qualified under the I.R.C.100% (child support claims excepted)
Child support obligations or payments required by support order100% (must be segregated and deposited in custodial bank account)
Homestead sale proceeds (for 2 years)same as homestead exemption (funds cannot be commingled)
Disposable earnings (net earnings after deductions) – Includes health accident, or disability insurance benefits80% of disposable earnings OR 40 times the state or fed. minimum hourly wage per week, WHICHEVER IS GREATER
Insurance proceeds from loss of homesteadSame as homestead exemption
Workers’ compensation benefits100% (support claims excepted)
Unemployment compensation benefits100%
Proceeds of group life insurance policies100%
Proceeds of annuity contract or life insurance policy in hands of insurer, if so provided in contract or policy100%
Sickness and accident insurance benefits$200 per month on periodic payments
100% of lump sum payments for
Fraternal Benefit Society benefits100%
Teacher’s retirement benefits100%
Public employee’s retirement benefits100%
Public assistance payments100%
Police and Firefighters pension benefitsNo limit
Specific partnership property100% of partner’s interest
Property of “cemetery companies” held not for profit100%
All property subject to a judgment for failure to pay state income tax on qualified benefits from a pension or other retirement plan100%
Public or private disability benefits($4,000 per month)
Crime victims’ compensation payments100%
Retirement benefits–employees of local government100% (support claims excepted)

Client Reviews

Marty is absolutely compassionate, understanding and very upfront person. Very professional and EXCELLENT in what he does. When I ran out of options to keep up with our financial obligations during COVID 19...

George S.

Marty Long was able to navigate my difficult case and get me the best case scenario outcome. In addition, I am extremely pleased that there were no additional costs from the original estimate Marty gave to me...

Tony R.

Martin was extremely helpful with our bankruptcy. I pelted this guy with so many questions and had to have filled up his email a billion times and he helped me understand the process to feel confident in our...

Kayla R.

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